Civil Engineering | Land Survey | Environmental Consulting | Landscape Architecture

Jefferson Park State - Cambridge, MA

Public, Municipal & Government

Services: Land Surveying, Civil Engineering, Environmental Consulting, Construction Services

Jefferson Park State is a federally-assisted multi-family community in North Cambridge adjacent to Jefferson Park Federal.  The project involved the demolition and reconstruction to create 104 units within six buildings.  The original development was built on a former brick manufacturing site with a water-filled clay pit. It was completed as a phased project. Phase 1 demolition, Phase 2 construction. 

The underlying soils made the main issues of sewer and stormwater drainage deficiencies. Extensive mitigation was required and designed by way of permeable pavement, while underground detention was disguised under green space.  Complex utility relocation and coordination were required. 

Work is currently underway to re-develop Jefferson Park Federal, another existing affordable housing complex adjacent to State.   Design work includes utility relocation, sewer,and stormwater mitigation, improved ADA access and the creation of a more pedestrian-friendly neighborhood. 

