The Gauge – Waltham, MA
Commercial & Industrial
Adaptive reuse located on the former Standard & Thompson Company site along Grove Street and just north of the Charles River, this redevelopment project consists of renovating the existing abandoned industrial building into office and R&D space. A café area and associated parking, three separate drainage systems, improved sewer and general infrastructure and roadway improvements along Grove Street were also included. Extensive permitting included Waltham Planning Board Site Plan Approval and Waltham Engineering review and approval, and an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.
Special considerations of the site included maintaining and the existing remediation equipment in place, and preserving a substantial back portion of the site which includes wetland resource areas. A&M designed a comprehensive stormwater management system which reduces peak flows, meets the City’s rigorous engineering standards and provides improved treatment of stormwater quality to the entire site as well as the municipal drainage system. Additional site improvements include renovation of the existing parking and landscaped areas.